Vivian Castleberry and her staff
Today I am working on women’s page editor Vivian Castleberry’s years at the Dallas Times Herald. I am writing about the different women who worked for Vivian – including those in the photo above: Mary Ann Lane, Dorothy Fagg, Graydon Heartsill and Maggie Kennedy. The picture is from Vivian’s book, Daughters of Dallas.
The above is an image of Dorothy Taylor Fagg when she was in college. She initially became a school teacher before coming to the Times Herald. She worked at the Dallas newspaper for 21 years – much of that time she was the furnishings editor.
Vivian Castleberry and her staff
Today I am working on women’s page editor Vivian Castleberry’s years at the Dallas Times Herald. I am writing about the different women who worked for Vivian – including those in the photo above: Mary Ann Lane, Dorothy Fagg, Graydon Heartsill and Maggie Kennedy. The picture is from Vivian’s book, Daughters of Dallas.
The above is an image of Dorothy Taylor Fagg when she was in college. She initially became a school teacher before coming to the Times Herald. She worked at the Dallas newspaper for 21 years – much of that time she was the furnishings editor.