Washington Post,  women and journalism,  women and politics,  women's page history

New Women’s Page Journalist Find

I was happy to find a new women’s page journalist to include in my current book project: Marie McNair of the Washington Post.

From her obituary:
“Mrs. McNair, like the Post Office of her day, did not let rain nor sleet nor dark of night prevent her from finishing her appointed rounds. On some snowy nights, she had been known to persuade police scout drivers and postal trucks to deliver her to embassy parties when newspaper autos and taxis found the going too rough. But she was not, by her own account, infallible. She once told a Post reporter that she remembered that “it was on my first assignment to cover a White House reception. In my excitement, I completely forgot any note-taking equipment.”

Luckily, she had already done much of her hard reporting on the phone. Mrs. McNair said careful preparation saved the day. “We always called up prominent women guests the morning of a big social event to get a description of the gowns they would wear that night,” she explained.

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