Cecil Fleming,  food editors,  food history,  food journalism,  food section,  women's history month,  women's page history

Women’s History Month: Cecil Fleming

Day 29 of Women’s History Month features Cecil Fleming who was a home economist and a journalist who worked for several newspapers in the 1950s and 1960s. She was married to Quentin Fleming.

Cecil Fleming graduated from the University of Washington. She was one of the several “Prudence Penneys” at the Detroit Times, prior to joining the Detroit Free-Press. She was the home economist who answered readers phone calls at the Free-Press.

According to food editor Kay Savage, Fleming: “knows why the jelly doesn’t jell and why the meringue weeps.”

She went on to the Los Angeles Times and became a food reporter, writing significant nutrition and consumer stories.

Cecil is included in my upcoming book, The Food Section.

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