Vivian Castleberry,  women's page history

Vivian Castleberry’s Coverage of JFK in Dallas

The only reporter’s notebook that women’s page editor Vivian Castleberry ever kept was the one she used when she was at the Trade Mart on November 22, 1963. Vivian drove to her office at the Dallas Times Herald early that morning. Her daughter Carol was with her that morning. Carol was going to go to the library and then take a spot along President JFK’s route. She would then take a bus to school.

Vivian sent her reporter Val Imm to cover the event at Love Field. Vivian arrived at the Trade Mart and interviewed Dallas Judge Sarah Hughes. She said that she was concerned about the president visiting Dallas.

Back in 2008, wearing white gloves, I examined Vivian’s notebook – located at the Sixth Floor Museum. She began her coverage with background about Jackie and a math notation to figure out her age. She described the centerpieces and listed the seating arrangements.

Then, the action began as described in the notebook:

Press burst through East door. Faces stark, drawn. Organ continues to play – guests start milling.

The organ stopped playing.


Faces that

I am not sure I can say what I have to say

It is true that own pres and gov

We do not know how seriously

We are relying upon the faith that we possess

In behalf of our own pres and our

Even in this gathering we will reveal that calmness that one shall await word

Mrs. Henry S. Miller “Oh God. Isn’t it terrible? Isn’t it terrible?” – and burst into tears.

Carl Callaway “I have been scared to death for him to come.”

William H. Dickinson, Jr. “There are no words to express how we are feeling.

Mrs. Stanley Stemmers gasped and the tears began to

President Kennedy never sat in the chair nor used the red phone provided for him.

Joe H. Galman – long hesitation – speechless
“My heart goes out to the widow and children of John Kennedy and for the family.”

Later, Vivian conducted a phone interview with Hughes who had sworn in President Johnson:
“It’s no big deal. He was my friend. They called and asked me to come and I went.”

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