food editors,  food history,  food journalism,  journalism history,  Ruth Ellen Church

American Midwest Foodways Scholar’s Grant

I am happy to announce that my proposal “Stirring the Pot: The Story of Newspaper Food Journalism, Home Cooks & Ruth Ellen Church” has been awarded an American Midwest Foodways Scholar’s Grant. I will be researching the career of longtime Chicago Tribune food editor Ruth Ellen Church who often wrote under the pen name “Mary Meade.” Her work is a major part of the book I am writing about newspaper food editors.

According to the press release:
“Greater Midwest Foodways Alliance in collaboration with Culinary Historians of Chicago and with funding from the Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts is pleased to announce financial support for the study of Midwestern foods and food-related institutions. Each is intended to help underwrite the research of academics and other investigators who intend to publish their findings in books, articles, videos or other media. The awards are merit based and unrestricted. They can be used to support fieldwork, library visits, conference attendance, or other activities related to the applicant’s proposed project.”

As part of the grant program, I will be presenting a talk about Church next year in Chicago.

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