Dorothy Jurney,  fashion history,  journalism history,  Marie Anderson,  Vivian Castleberry

Day Three: Women’s Page History in 7 Objects

For day three of Women’s Page History in 7 Objects – the item is white gloves. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was expected that the women’s page journalist would wear white gloves when out on assignment. Dallas women’s page journalist Vivian Castleberry said she never went anywhere without a reporter’s notebook and white gloves. She told me that even the members of the Garden Club would wear white gloves at groundbreaking ceremonies.

Here is a link to a documentary about Vivian that I was happy to be a part of.

Above is an image of trailblazing women’s page editor Dorothy Jurney wearing gloves – seated next to Miami Herald women’s page editor Marie Anderson. The papers of both women are part of the National Women & Media Collection.

Here is an article about the anniversary of the NWMC.

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