food journalism,  Poppy Cannon

Poppy Cannon as Newspaper Food Columnist

As I am putting together a book proposal about newspaper food editors, I came across some interesting information about Poppy Cannon who had a cooking column in several newspapers. I had known her as the author of the (often mocked) Can-Opener Cookbook. Some writers have described Cannon as the original Sandra Lee although I think Cannon was more than a short-cut food writer.

Cannon had a rich background both personally and professionally. She wrote an interesting historical cookbook: The President’s Cookbook. She was the food editor at several women’s magazines including House Beautiful and Ladies Home Journal.

She was married several times, including to NAACP leader Walter White – which was quite a scandal at the time. Their papers are at Yale University.

I am going to do more digging into her newspaper food columns.

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One Comment

  • Kim Copeland

    Just a quick question: was Poppy Cannon the inspiration for Barbara Stanwyck's character in Christmas in Connecticut? Everything I've read about her would point to that, plus the description in the movie of where the house was matched Ms Cannon's house in Redding.

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