
New Florida Cookbook

I was excited to see a Facebook post about this new cookbook, Field to Feast, which is co-authored by the Orlando Sentinel food editor Heather McPherson. It comes out in October. This is from the publisher’s press release:
“We’re putting Field to Feast on our shelf alongside Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Cross Creek Cookery
and Jeanne Voltz’s The Florida Cookbook because it’s destined to become a classic. Moreover, it’s 
exactly the book we’ve been looking for: a thorough, up-to-the-minute work that tells the diverse, 
wide-ranging story of food in Florida (a state without equal for its sheer number of distinct culinary 
regions) from the perspective of the people who know it best: the small farmers and chefs who’ve made it such an exciting place to cook and dine today.”
I was happy to see the mention of Jeanne Voltz’s Florida cookbook. Jeanne wrote several great cookbooks, including another about California food. (My article about Jeanne Voltz “Food Journalism or Cultural Anthropology?” was published this past Spring in American Journalism.)

Another great Florida cookbook that should also be remembered is Jane Nickerson’s Florida Cookbook. She wrote it between her stints as food editor at the New York Times – prior to Craig Claiborne – and the Lakeland Ledger. (I am presenting a paper about Jane at the National Communication Association Convention in Orlando this fall.)

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