• fashion,  journalism history

    NCA Paper About Women Wearing Pants

    I am getting ready to present my paper, “Who’s Wearing the Pants? How The New York Times Reported the Changing Dress of Women” at its conference in San Francisco. In it, I examine how the New York Times represented women wearing pants from 1950 through 1975. I found various themes against women wearing pants ranging from political to religious to workplace issues.Some of these articles were in the women’s pages and some were in the hard news sections and editorial sections. Current New York Times columnist Gail Collins wrote of this time: “It was a convoluted expression of the classic view of sexual differences: women did not wear the pants…


    Save the National Women & Media Collection

    Help! The National Women and Media Collection is in danger of being marginalized. The NWMC is located in the Western Historical Manuscript Collection at the University of Missouri. Recently, the WHMC has been placed under the State Historical Society – and lost the $1 million UM allocated. There is a serious concern about the future of the archivists at the WHMC – people who know the collections best. The SHS head may eliminate the WHMC reference staff – some of the best archivists out there. With the reference staff gone, the SHS staff will be responsible for providing reference service to historians and they don’t have archival training. They are…

  • journalism history,  Vivian Castleberry

    Interview with Darwin Payne

    This morning, I interviewed Dallas historian Darwin Payne. He worked with Dallas Times Herald women’s page editor Vivian Castleberry. They also went to the same church. We gave me same interesting insight and reinforced my premise that it was Vivian’s ability to be ladylike that also allowed her to be so progressive. In other words, she did not come off as threatening so she got away with many things that helped women.

  • Gloria Biggs,  journalism history

    Conference proposal about Gloria Biggs

    Today I am working on an abstract about Gloria Biggs – Florida women’s page editor turned publisher. It is called: “I Weep When I Read the Lines About Not Being the Feminist”: Gloria Biggs’ Transition From Women’s Page Editor to Publisher I am sending it off to a state history conference that will be held next Spring in Jacksonville, Florida – a new city for us to visit. And, best of all, there is a jazz festival in Jacksonville the same weekend. My research on Gloria comes from her papers in the Western Historical Manuscript Collection at the University of Missouri. I also interviewed her niece a few years ago.

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