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    Peggy Daum thesis

    I have been going through Peggy Daum’s 1962 master’s thesis from Marquette University – Women’s Pages Today: A Comparative Study of Six Newspapers. Peggy was a women’s page reporter for the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel in the 1950s and 1960s. She became the food editor of the section in 1968 and remained in the position for two decades. It was interesting to learn more about Peggy. In addition, her thesis was helpful in learning more about women’s sections at the time. Peggy surveyed three of the women’s page editors I have studied: Marie Anderson, Gloria Biggs and Dorothy Jurney. Peggy also interviewed her boss, Aileen Ryan – another research subject. Her research…

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    More on Peggy Daum

    I had a great interview with Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel food editor Nancy Stohr yesterday. I spoke with her about the late Milwaukee food editor Peggy Daum. Nancy answered several important questions. My favorite bit of information was learning that in the 1950s and 1960s, Peggy worked for women’s page editor Aileen Ryan. Aileen Ryan won three Penney-Missouri Awards in the 1960s – that’s a photo of her receiving the award. I wrote an article about Aileen in Milwaukee History in 2004. She would have been a great mentor for Peggy. I am collecting information about Peggy for a conference paper on food journalism.

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    Interviewing Nancy J. Stohs

    Today I am interviewing Nancy J. Stohs about Milwaukee Journal food editor Peggy Daum. I am waiting for a copy of Daum’s master’s thesis from Marquette University. I am conducting research about food editors of women’s sections from the 1960s for a conference paper. These sections really developed during the 1960s with a focus on food news and an emphasis on professionalism.

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    Marjorie Paxson article cited

    http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p376452_index.html The article Lance and I wrote about Marjorie Paxson was cited in the above AEJMC conference paper, “Outstanding American Female Journalists in the 1960s: Organizational Promotion of A Professional Identity.” Marjorie was a women’s page editor in Texas and Florida before becoming the fourth female publisher for Gannett.

  • journalism history,  Peggy Daum

    More Peggy Daum research

    I am collecting more information on Milwaukee food editor Peggy Daum. Yesterday I received a copy of the above children’s book – Peggy was the food consultant for the project. I heard back from Special Collections at the University of Arizona (where she earned a B.A. in journalism). Peggy was featured in 14 pages in the yearbook and was the yearbook editor one year. I am hoping to get copies of the pages. I heard back from Special Collections at Marquette University (where she earned a M.A. in journalism). I learned that her thesis was a comparative study of women’s pages. I ordered a copy of her thesis. I also…

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