Anne Rowe Goldman article
My thanks to the archivist who tracked down this article about St. Petersburg Times women’s page journalist Anne Rowe Goldman in the Poynter Papers at the University of South Florida. This article describes her experiences as an ombudsman. It also answers some questions I had in terms of child care. I love the story about the tail-less cat. I am revising my conference paper about Anne to turn into a journal article.
Florida Conference of Historians
We just got back from Wakulla Springs – up near the panhandle. It was Curtis’s first overnight trip. The area was truly beautiful. I presented my paper about St. Petersburg women’s page editor Anne Rowe Goldman at the Florida Conference of Historians. I got great feedback and am making revisions. I plan to send it off to a journal or history magazine in the near future. It is always a great feeling to talk about my women’s page editors. They are an amazing group of women who need to be part of the historical record.
We met Helen Thomas
On our way to Wakulla Springs, we went to a book signing and met Helen Thomas. It was amazing to speak with her. I gave her a copy of my article about Eleni Epstein who Helen mentioned in her autobiography. Helen seemed pleased to get the article and the pictures of Eleni. Helen said that Eleni was one of her best friends! Eleni was the fashion editor of the Washington Star in the 1950s and 1960s.
Anne Rowe Goldman presentation
We are on our way to Wakulla Springs for the Florida Conference of Historians this weekend. I am presenting a paper about St. Petersburg Times women’s page editor Anne Rowe Goldman. She was a multiple Penney-Missouri Award winner and trailblazer in transforming a women’s section into a substantial newsfeature section.
Thesis about women’s pages
I just came across a thesis from the University of Wisconsin that looks at women’s page content from a public relations perspective. The thesis includes a strong lit review including some comments from the Chicago Tribune women’s page editor Colleen “Koky” Dishon. It also includes new information about the criticism of food journalism in the early 1970s. Overall, the thesis reinforces the concept that the editors were not swayed by advertisers despite what some critics have charged.
Meeting Helen Thomas
Tomorrow, we’re going to meet legendary journalist Helen Thomas at a book signing. (This image is of Helen from 1976.) Helen was a good friend of one of the woman I study – Eleni Epstein. In fact, Eleni is mentioned in Helen’s autobiography. They were both working in Washington together in the 1950s through 1970s. Helen was a political reporter and Eleni was a fashion editor at the Washington Star. Today I am working on revisions of my Eleni manuscript so I can give a copy to Helen. I have collected materials about Eleni from numerous archives.