Colleen “Koky” Dishon’s brother
Above is video of women’s page editor Colleen “Koky” Dishon’s brother, Bob Kocher. Bob was very helpful in my research about Koky. He sent me a family history that Koky wrote and video of the memorial for Koky that the Chicago Tribune created. I appreciate his help.
Colleen “Koky” Dishon
I am working on collecting images for my article on women’s page editor Colleen “Koky” Dishon that is now scheduled to run this summer in a Ohio history publication. Koky, who went on to become the first woman on the Chicago Tribune’s masthead, created the WomaNews section in the 1990s – pictured above. It was a revised, modern section that was also controversial. I wrote for the section several times in the 1990s and loved reading it. The section was later eliminated.
IWMF : International Women’s Media Foundation – Colleen “Koky” Dishon
IWMF : International Women's Media Foundation – Colleen "Koky" Dishon
Anne Rowe Goldman images
I just received the book, Elvis: The Cool King. It is a collection of photos shot by Bob Moreland. There are several pages devoted to St. Pete women’s page editor Anne Rowe Goldman, one of my current research subjects.
Anne Rowe Goldman clips
The UCF ILL has been wonderful about helping me track down articles about and by Anne Rowe Goldman, a women’s page journalist and later ombudsman at the St. Pete Times. (She won several Penney-Missouri Awards.) This article announces her promotion to ombudsman. I am happy that of the three promotions, Anne was named in the headline. I am finishing up a conference paper about Anne for presentation later this month.
Husband of Helen Gurley Brown dies
David Brown, husband of Helen Gurley Brown, died over the weekend. HGB was best known as the editor of Cosmopolitan magazine. (Her husband wrote the headlines on the cover of the magazine. They were quite a pair.) She also had a column in the women’s pages based on her best-selling book Sex and the Single Girl. Here is my review of a book about HGB which includes information about David Brown and his influence on her career. I hope to go through her papers at some point as part of a project that redefines feminism and the media.