New information on East and Glaser
I have discovered new information about my research topic in a collection at one of the Duke University Libraries. In the papers of the Veteran Feminists of America, I found documents about women’s page and political journalist Vera Glaser and government source Catherine East. Included in the papers is a DVD tribute to East. I just placed an order to get copies of the materials. I have already gone through East’s papers at Harvard University and Glaser’s papers at the University of Wyoming. I am working on a paper about how Glaser and East worked together to hold the government and media accountable. I hope to present the paper at…
My women’s page biographies
Anne Rowe research
I am writing a paper about St. Petersburg Times and St. Petersburg Evening Independent women’s page editor Anne Rowe for an upcoming history conference. In 1910, the owner of the Evening Independent declared St. Petersburg the “Sunshine City” and made the famous “Sunshine Offer”: On any day the sun didn’t shine, the newspaper would be given away. There were only 200 times this happened in nearly 80 years. Here is more information. Anne helped to transform the women’s section of the Evening Independent in the 1960s. I discovered great information about the transformation in the Penney-Missouri papers at the University of Missouri.
New Bobbi McCallum pictures
I just received these two new images of Seattle P-I women’s page journalist Bobbi McCallum. They were taken by her boyfriend Mark in the weeks before she died. My article about Bobbi comes out this Spring.
New Molly Ivins book
I just received the new Molly Ivins biography. (Molly largely avoided the women’s pages although she was a fan of Dallas women’s page editor Vivian Castleberry.) I went through Molly’s papers at the University of Texas last year and plan to start working on an article about Molly soon – especially her early career in Minnesota.
More Bobbi McCallum images
I just found several new photos of Bobbi McCallum – a Penney-Missouri Award winning women’s page journalist at the Seattle P-I in the 1960s. They are part of the P-I photo collection at the Seattle Museum of History and Industry. I am going to order some copies today. My article about Bobbi is coming out this Spring. The above image is from the Penney-Missouri Papers at the Western Historical Manuscript Collection at the University of Missouri.