Fiftieth Anniversary of The Feminine Mystique
This month marks the fiftieth anniversary of The Feminine Mystique. The groundbreaking book was often reviewed in the women’s pages of newspapers rather than the book section. Some critics have noted that this was sexist. Yet, author Betty Friedan actually wanted her book reviewed by women’s page journalists. Lance and I learned this when we went through Friedan’s papers at the Schlesinger Library a few years ago.
Another The Feminist Kitchen Post
Here is my latest post on the blog The Feminist Kitchen. It is about feminism and Pinterest and includes information about the women’s pages. It was inspired by this blog post.
Another The Feminist Kitchen Blog Post
I am excited to have another guest blog post on The Feminist Kitchen Blog. It is available here. I blogged about the need to recognize women in food journalism with a focus on the New York Times’ Jane Nickerson. I became Facebook friends with Jane’s daughter recently. I just love the connections of social media.