Florida Women's Pages

  • Beverley Morales,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history

    Florida Conference of Historians

    I just presented the paper, “Beverley Brink Morales Geary Badhorse: Trailblazing Journalist and Advocate,” at the Florida Conference of Historians in Lake City. It has taken many years to put together Beverley’s story. In this paper, I largely focused on her Florida years at the Sun Sentinel. I hope to put together a journal manuscript that focuses on all of Beverley’s newspaper work.

  • Florida Women's Pages,  Janet Chusmir,  journalism history

    Janet Chusmir publication

    I just got the news that my article about Miami Herald editor Janet Chusmir(who began her career as a women’s page journalist) is going to be published. “You Can’t Hug a Newspaper”: Janet Chusmir and the Miami Herald,” will be published this month in the FCH Annals: Journal of the Florida Conference of Historians, February 2012. I also learned that the article is a finalist for the Thomas M. Campbell prize for best article. I am also working on an article about Janet and her role as a “first” in female newspaper management.

  • Anne Rowe,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history

    End of the St. Petersburg Times

    Today was the first day that the St. Petersburg Times officially became the Tampa Bay Times. After a long and significant history, the St. Petersburg Times now longer exists – at least by name. Here is the story. For many years, the St. Petersburg Times had one of the top women’s pages in the country. The newspaper was one of the first to transition into a lifestyle section – although the Washington Post usually gets all the credit. (At the Times, it was known as the “Day” section.) For many years, the women’s page editor (and later the Day editor) was Anne Rowe – later Goldman. That is a photo…

  • Dorothy Jurney,  Florida Women's Pages,  Jeanne Voltz,  jounalism history,  Marie Anderson,  Marjorie Paxson,  Miami Herald,  Roberta Applegate

    Saving the Miami Herald Building

    Yesterday, the Miami Herald featured this story about a preservation group’s fight to save the Miami Herald Building. Marie Anderson was the women’s page editor of the Herald when the building opened in 1963. The Miami Herald had one of the top women’s page sections in the country in the 1950s and 1960s. Journalists who wrote for the section at the time included: Roberta Applegate, Dorothy Jurney, Marjorie Paxson and Jeanne Voltz.

  • Eleanor Hart,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history

    Eleanor Hart

    I just received an email from a relative of Eleanor (Ratelle) Hart. I love hearing from family members of the women I study. Eleanor was a reporter and advice columnist for the women’s pages of the Miami Herald in the 1950s and 1960s. I went through her papers at the South Florida Historical Society in Miami about three years ago and presented a paper about her last year at the Florida Communication Association conference. My paper focused on how her column reflected the community’s negotiation of change in terms of race and gender. The integration of neighborhoods and working mothers led to heated letters from readers. Advice columns, like the…

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