Janet Chusmir
Interview with Larry Jinks
Yesterday, I interviewed former Miami Herald Executive Editor Larry Jinks about Janet Chusmir – who went on to become the first woman to head the newspaper. He was good friends with Janet and was very helpful in providing information about Janet’s career and rise through newspaper management. I appreciate his time. Janet was unique for a woman in journalism in many ways. First, she took a non-traditional career path by spending many years as a homemaker raising two children before becoming a journalist. Second, she went from a women’s page editor to a successful executive editor. I am writing a conference paper about Janet’s career.
Interview with Larry Jinks
Yesterday, I interviewed former Miami Herald Executive Editor Larry Jinks about Janet Chusmir – who went on to become the first woman to head the newspaper. He was good friends with Janet and was very helpful in providing information about Janet’s career and rise through newspaper management. I appreciate his time. Janet was unique for a woman in journalism in many ways. First, she took a non-traditional career path by spending many years as a homemaker raising two children before becoming a journalist. Second, she went from a women’s page editor to a successful executive editor. I am writing a conference paper about Janet’s career.
Two Years in Orlando
Today, Lance and I have been in Orlando for two years. In that time, we have gone through the papers of several Florida women’s page journalists, including Helen Muir at the University of Miami and Eleanor Hart at the South Florida History Museum. We also went through some of the Poynter papers at the University of South Florida. I have presented papers at the Florida Conference of Historians about Florida women’s page editors Anne Rowe Goldman and Edee Greene. The next Florida women I plan to investigate are Gloria Biggs and Janet Chusmir. There is such a rich history of Florida women journalists and so much has not been researched.
Chusmir quote in Editor & Publisher
I have found several great articles with quotes from Miami Herald women’s page editor-turned-managing editor Janet Chusmir. Here is one of my favorites from the industry magazine Editor & Publisher.
More Janet Chusmir video
Miami Herald Executive Editor Janet Chusmir speaks at a 1989 conference about women and the media.
More Janet Chusmir video
Miami Herald Executive Editor Janet Chusmir speaks at a 1989 conference about women and the media.