journalism history
Jane Nickerson’s review of the Joy of Cooking
This is a NY Times review of the Joy of Cooking by Jane Nickerson. It is referenced in the book about the mother – and later daughter – who created the cookbook: Stand Facing the Stove: The Story of the Women Who Gave America The Joy of Cooking. Nickerson’s review is credited with the initial success of the book. I am currently working with a student on an independent study about Jane Nickerson – the first food editor of the New York Times. We are started by looking for references of Nickerson in the various book histories of the NY Times. Typically, the women’s pages have been excluded in newspaper…
The Women’s Pages at the Charlotte Observer
I just finished reading the above book about the history of the Charlotte Observer. While there were some references to women’s pages, there was no references to the work of Miami Herald women’s page editor Dorothy Jurney who went to the Observer in the 1950s to improve its women’s section.Here is the explanation from Jurney’s oral history: Jurney: It was while I was at the Miami Herald that Lee Hills asked me to go, on three different occasions, to the Charlotte Observer after Jimmy Knight had bought it. It wasn’t a very good newspaper. In fact, it didn’t take me long after my first trip to Charlotte to realize that…
The Women’s Pages at the Charlotte Observer
I just finished reading the above book about the history of the Charlotte Observer. While there were some references to women’s pages, there was no references to the work of Miami Herald women’s page editor Dorothy Jurney who went to the Observer in the 1950s to improve its women’s section.Here is the explanation from Jurney’s oral history: Jurney: It was while I was at the Miami Herald that Lee Hills asked me to go, on three different occasions, to the Charlotte Observer after Jimmy Knight had bought it. It wasn’t a very good newspaper. In fact, it didn’t take me long after my first trip to Charlotte to realize that…
A.P. Stylebook includes a food section
The Associated Press has announced that the new stylebook includes a new section on food writing. According to the press release: ““With all the cooking shows, blogs and magazines focusing on food, as well as growing interest in organic and locally sourced foods, our new food section feels timely and on trend,” said Colleen Newvine, product manager of the AP Stylebook. “With this new addition to the AP Stylebook, The Associated Press is proud to bring clarity to the writing that describes and informs the new food movement.” This information really dismisses the important role of one of the four Fs of the women’s pages. (The other three are family,…
A.P. Stylebook includes a food section
The Associated Press has announced that the new stylebook includes a new section on food writing. According to the press release: ““With all the cooking shows, blogs and magazines focusing on food, as well as growing interest in organic and locally sourced foods, our new food section feels timely and on trend,” said Colleen Newvine, product manager of the AP Stylebook. “With this new addition to the AP Stylebook, The Associated Press is proud to bring clarity to the writing that describes and informs the new food movement.” This information really dismisses the important role of one of the four Fs of the women’s pages. (The other three are family,…
Penney-Missouri Awards Director Paul Myhre
I had the most pleasant surprise yesterday morning. I received an email with the subject line “Paul Myhre.” It was from his son. I have been a Paul Myhre fan for at least a decade. He has been the center of my research as the one who brought the women I studied together. His letters back and forth to the women’s page editors – especially those in Florida – chronicled the struggles and the friendships that became the basis of my work. It also led me to love Florida while living in St. Louis. (Many of the Award winners were from Florida newspapers.) Back in 2000, I was a doctoral…