Paul Myhre

  • Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history,  Paul Myhre,  Sandra Wesley

    More on Sandra Wesley

    Today I got a great email from Sandra Wesley. She shared many great stories about the Florida women’s page editors. I really appreciate her memories that confirmed much of my research. This letter that Sandy wrote to Penney-Missouri Awards Director Paul Myhre. It can be found in the Penney-Missouri Papers at the WHMC.

  • journalism history,  Maggie Savoy,  Paul Myhre

    Maggie Savoy letter

    I am continuing my revisions on my Maggie Savoy manuscript for my deadline of the 18th. This is a letter from Maggie to Paul Myhre and his wife Mary. Paul was the director of the Penney-Missouri Awards. Maggie and Paul became good friends over the years. This letter can be found in the papers of the Penney-Missouri Awards at the WHMC.

  • Dorothy Clifford,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history,  Paul Myhre

    Dorothy Clifford

    Tallahassee Democrat women’s page editor Dorothy Clifford is in this photo. It was taken at a 1981 reunion of journalists. It can be found in the Florida Photographic Collection. Dorothy won a Penney-Missouri Award in 1960. I interviewed Dorothy last year and hope to speak with her again soon. Here is a letter Dorothy wrote to Paul Myhre, the director of the Penney-Missouri Awards. It can be found in the Penney-Missouri Papers at WHMC.

  • journalism history,  Paul Myhre,  Penney-Missouri Award

    Paul Myhre

    Paul Myhre was the director of the Penney-Missouri Awards program throughout the 1960s. This photo is from one of the workshops that were a part of the Awards. His letters at the Western Historical Manuscript Collection show that he was supportive of the women’s page editors. He died in 1971. After a long search I have found the date he died and today I ordered his obituary. I plan to write an article about Paul’s campaign to improve the status of women’s pages.

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