Marjorie Paxson article cited
http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p376452_index.html The article Lance and I wrote about Marjorie Paxson was cited in the above AEJMC conference paper, “Outstanding American Female Journalists in the 1960s: Organizational Promotion of A Professional Identity.” Marjorie was a women’s page editor in Texas and Florida before becoming the fourth female publisher for Gannett.
Baby Boom Book is published
Baby Boom Book is published
Writing about Betty Ewing
Today I am making revisions and adding some new information to my article about Houston society writer Betty Ewing. (Society news was a mainstay of women’s sections.) She was another example of a woman who covered the news side during World War II and was then sent back to the women’s pages during peace time. I went through Betty’s papers at Texas Woman’s University in 2005. My initial manuscript has been under review for several years. I am pulling it and sending it off somewhere else. Betty was a colorful character – in person and in her writing.
Writing about Betty Ewing
Today I am making revisions and adding some new information to my article about Houston society writer Betty Ewing. (Society news was a mainstay of women’s sections.) She was another example of a woman who covered the news side during World War II and was then sent back to the women’s pages during peace time. I went through Betty’s papers at Texas Woman’s University in 2005. My initial manuscript has been under review for several years. I am pulling it and sending it off somewhere else. Betty was a colorful character – in person and in her writing.
Grant money & Kay Clarenbach research
I learned yesterday that I received the $6,500 UCF Internal Grant to research the work of feminist leader Kathryn “Kay” Clarenbach. I am interested in how she worked with the media and especially women’s page editors. Many women’s page editors worked with feminist leaders and wrote women’s liberation stories before the news side became aware of the issues. I will visit UW-Madison this summer to go through her papers. I am so thankful to UCF for this opportunity.