Vivian Castleberry
Molly Ivins quote about Vivian Castleberry
I just found a great profile written about Dallas women’s page editor Vivian Castleberry in 1996. (Colleen O’Connor, “Vivian Castleberry,” Dallas Morning News, May 12, 1996.) It includes a quote from Molly Ivins: “What Viv was doing on the women’s pages in those years was somewhat subversive. The first treatment of major issues like abortion were on Viv’s pages. Because the male editors in that sexist era paid so little attention to the women’s page, Viv was quietly going about doing remarkable stories that belonged on the front page.” I am working on a book about Vivian. (I visited with Vivian last summer in her home in Dallas.) I am…
More on Vivian Castleberry
Today I found former Dallas women’s page editor Vivian Castleberry’s notes on the death of Benazir Bhutto. She was the keynote speaker at a Dallas Peacemaker event several years ago. (Vivian was a co-founder of the group.) Here is a link to the tribute that Vivian led. I am working on a book about Vivian.
Women in American Journalism
Women in American Journalism: A New History by Jan Whitt is now out. (Published by the University of Illinois Press.) The book features a chapter about women’s page editors, including Vivian Castleberry and Dorothy Jurney.
Vivian Castleberry Peace Talk
Here’s a small segment of Vivian’s statements from the opening ceremony of the 3rd International Women’s Peace Conference: I’m writing a book about Vivian, who I have mentioned in earlier posts.
Kim with Vivian and Curtis Castleberry
These photos are from our May 2008 visit with Vivian and Curtis Castleberry in Dallas. Vivian was a trailblazing women’s page editor in Dallas for nearly thirty years.
My article about Vivian Castleberry that appeared in the Spring 2007 issue of Southwestern Historical Quarterly won first place in the research category from the Illinois Woman’s Press Association. It went on to the national competition and the article was just named first place from the National Federation of Press Women, Inc. I am currently working on a book about Vivian. This is my earlier post on Vivian.