Carol Sutton,  journalism history

Carol Sutton reference

There’s an article in the Louisville Courier-Journal today about a restaurant closing that features a reference to Carol Sutton:
“For women and African Americans, however, it was another story. Mazzoni’s desegregated earlier than other restaurants, but like the rest of Louisville it was in its earlier days for whites only. And women, by the way, didn’t gain the right to drink at Louisville’s bars until the early 1970s.

I well remember accompanying a group of women from the newspaper, including the legendary editor Carol Sutton, to Mazzoni’s at noon after the Board of Aldermen approved the ordinance allowing women to stand at the bar and drink like men. Carol took pleasure in ordering me, the only male in the party, a martini and carrying it over to our table. She stood at the bar; I sat.”

My article about Carol has been revised for a “revise and resubmit” to a national journal.

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