Ann Hamman,  journalism history

Interviewed Ann Hamman’s son

Yesterday I conducted an interview with the son of women’s page journalist Ann Hamman. He provided great background information as I begin the research process for a historical article.

Ann was in the Women’s Army Corp during World War II so I am requesting some documents about her through FOIA.

She earned a master’s degree in home ec after the War so I am also trying to track down her thesis.

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Ann Hamman,  journalism history

Interviewed Ann Hamman’s son

Yesterday I conducted an interview with the son of women’s page journalist Ann Hamman. He provided great background information as I begin the research process for a historical article.

Ann was in the Women’s Army Corp during World War II so I am requesting some documents about her through FOIA.

She earned a master’s degree in home ec after the War so I am also trying to track down her thesis.

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