Kathryn “Kay” Clarenbach
A week from today, Lance and I will be at the archives at UW-Madison. We are going through the papers of Kathryn “Kay” Clarenbach. Here is a link to the extensive finding guide.
Kay was a leading feminist but not always the most visible. Much of her work was done behind the scenes although she did serve as the first president of N.O.W. I am curious how she negotiated change with conflicting personalities.
We are going to examine Kay’s relationship with journalists – especially her communication with women’s page reporters and editors. I’m thankful for the UCF grant to make the trip.
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It's great to meet another Wisconsinite!
Kimberly Wilmot Voss
Thanks! I love Madison. It's such a great town. (I am from Milwaukee, by the way.)
Madison is my hometown. Enjoy the city and campus (it's beautiful) and all the best with your research.