Edee Greene,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history,  march for equality

Women’s March for Equality Anniversary

Gail Collins has a great column in the New York Times today about the upcoming anniversary of the Women’s March for Equality. (It’s on August 26.)

Most women’s page editors had mixed feelings about demonstrations but they all believed in equality for women. The Fort Lauderdale News’ women’s page editor Edee Greene and her staff took a symbolic stand on August 26, 1970. In a letter to Penney-Missouri Award Director Paul Myhre, Edee mentioned that they all wore pants to work that day in support of equality.

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Edee Greene,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history,  march for equality

Women’s March for Equality Anniversary

Gail Collins has a great column in the New York Times today about the upcoming anniversary of the Women’s March for Equality. (It’s on August 26.)

Most women’s page editors had mixed feelings about demonstrations but they all believed in equality for women. The Fort Lauderdale News’ women’s page editor Edee Greene and her staff took a symbolic stand on August 26, 1970. In a letter to Penney-Missouri Award Director Paul Myhre, Edee mentioned that they all wore pants to work that day in support of equality.

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