Dorothee Polson,  food journalism,  journalism history

Dorothee Polson Cookbook: Pot au Feu

I just finished reading the 1971 cookbook Pot au Feu written by Arizona Republic food editor Dorothee Polson. (Pot au feu is French for “pot on the fire.”) It’s a great mixture of food stories, recipes and anecdotes about her three children. Much of women’s page content consisted of food news and family columns.

One of the columns in the book is “Working Mother Makes Rules.” She notes, “I happen to be one of those statistics, the 1-of-every-3 homemakers who hold jobs; the 1-out-of-5 mothers who juggle careers.”

In the column, she gives advice on her rules for combining work and newspapering. This was my favorite tips was: “Forget schedules. Take it one crisis at a time.”

We are going to try the recipe for “Paul’s Salad Dressing” later this week.

Dorothee is one of the many food editors I am collecting information about.

In other news, this is the THIRD ANNIVERSARY of this blog! Thanks to all of you who read it.

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