Billie O'Day,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history

Great News About Billie Womack O’Day

I just got off the phone with the nephew of Miami women’s page editor Billie Womack. (Her radio and pen name was Billie O’Day.) She is alive and alert in a Miami nursing home. We plan to make a trip down to meet her. Her nephew also mentioned that she had kept her papers which should be a gold mine for historians.

Billie’s career is truly amazing. She had an impressive musical career – including conducting a symphony in the evenings after her work at the newspaper.

I learned about Billie because of her winning several Penney-Missouri Awards – the top honors for women’s pages.

I am working on an article about Billie’s career.

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One Comment

  • Anonymous

    I have never blogged, twitter or used face book. But I wanted a note to the website author. Occassionally I do a search for my dad's name and your website came up, a very neat website. My dad's name was Donn Dughi he was a photographer for UPI 23 yrs, 1 yr w/AP and then his last 9 years as the photographer for the Florida House & Senate. Since you are spotlighting ladies you might take a look at another lady who died young and their is a scholarship in her name in Florida, her name is Barbara Frye and she worked for UPI. The same place you found my dad's pictures will have pictures of her too. Her daughter Leslie Frye, I don't know her married name is still living in Tallahassee. Thought she might be another neat lady to add to your website. As Helen was the UPI star in Washington, Barbara Frye was in Tallahasse, FL. One more lady of the press corp retired now in N.C. is Lucy Morgan, both truly of the old press when we were not so concerned with who was sleep with who and more with how our taxes were being spent. Laurie Dughi

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