fashion journalism,  journalism history

Fashion publicist Ruth Finley

Fashion week began yesterday in New York City. The shows were attended twice a year by newspaper fashion editors – who worked in the women’s pages of newspapers. These writers translated the elaborate runway fashions for their readers back home – such as Eleni Epstein in Washington, D.C., Barbara Cloud in Pittsburgh and Aileen Ryan in Milwaukee. Their lives were made easier by Ruth Finley, who is pictured below.

The Wall Street Journal featured an article about Ruth today. Here is a little about her and the calendar she create, which is shown below:
“The concept of a fashion-events calendar came in 1943. Ms. Finley, then a 16-year-old reporter for the women’s pages of the Boston Herald, overheard ladies lamenting a conflict for two fashion shows in Manhattan. “They complained that they couldn’t be in the same place at once,” Ms. Finley recalled. “And so I knew I had a niche creating this calendar.”

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