Florida Women's Pages,  Helen Wells,  journalism history,  women's history month,  women's page history

Women’s History Month: Helen Wells

I am continuing with the Miami Herald theme for day 6th of Women’s History Month: society columnist Helen Wells.

The photo above is from her 1969 retirement party held at Marie Anderson’s house. A Google News search revealed that she was also a longtime society editor at the Miami News.

The above 1952 clip noted that she did club work in Washington D.C. prior to coming to Miami. It also noted that she served as a Gray Lady for the Red Cross during World War II. Here is an interesting online exhibit about the Gray Ladies.

Wells died of a fire in her home in Coral Gables in March of 1983. I am in the process of collecting some of her columns as I examine the changing role of society coverage in the 1960s.

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