Florida Women's Pages,  food editors,  food history,  food journalism,  journalism history

Orlando Sentinel Food Editor Grace Barr

Tomorrow I will be speaking on the program, ReThinking the City on Rollins College radio station WPRK. I plan to mention some of the significant Florida food editors. Yesterday I learned about Grace Warlow Barr who was the longtime food editor at the Orlando Sentinel.

I loved this from her obituary:

“Barr was a tall, stately woman who stayed slim throughout her life, but her homemade delicacies were not for the diet-conscious. ” ‘Start with a stick of butter. . .’ has become the hallmark of Mrs. Barr’s approach to fine cooking,” a Sentinel editor wrote in a tribute to Barr in 1969.

”Her cooking was perfectly delicious,” Newhart said. ”She couldn’t stand it during the war when we couldn’t have a stick of butter or some cream to cook with.”

Barr’s talent in the kitchen took a practical turn during the Great Depression when she and a friend opened a shop off Park Avenue in Winter Park. The two women sold homebaked breads, cakes, candy and fudge.”

I learn about Barr as I was doing research about the newspaper food editors who were judges of the Pillsbury Bake Off. She was a judge in 1968.

Her daughter Gracia married Martin Andersen, the editor of the Sentinel. According to her obituary, Grace had also dated Andersen at some point.

Her son, Graham, left some papers to the Orange County Historical Center that I plan to go through next week.

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