Cecily Brownstone,  food history,  food journalism,  Jane Nickerson,  Jeanne Voltz

Newspaper Cookbooks: Day 1

I was pleased to see Marion Nestle’s blog post about the cookbook above that I posted about a few weeks ago. The book includes Cecily Brownstone’s Associated Press Cookbook. The 101 Classic Cookbooks is an excellent resource for both recipes and cookbook history.

Each day this week, I am going to blog about the cookbooks that newspaper food editors wrote or edited that I would add to the list.

Today, I will address Florida cookbooks. I would add two: Jane Nickerson’s Florida Cookbook and Jeanne Voltz’s The Florida Cookbook: From Gulf Coast Gumbo to Key Lime Pie.

Jane’s book was published in 1973 by the University Press of Florida. She wrote it after many years as the food editor of the New York Times. She had relocated to Central Florida to raise her children. She went on to be the food editor of the Lakeland Ledger.

Jeanne’s book (co-authored with Caroline Stuart) was published in 1993 and became a classic. In the 1950s, Jeanne was the food editor of the Miami Herald in the 1950s and the food editor of the Los Angeles Times in the 1960s. She eventually became the food editor at Woman’s Day.

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