Dorothy Jurney
Dorothy Jurney reference
I just discovered a story in the Michigan City News-Dispatch from Nov. 22 which features legendary women’s page editor Dorothy Jurney. The article, written by Laurie Wink, includes the following: “Jurney was the daughter of Mary and Herbert Misener. Her mother was active in women’s causes and her father was then-publisher of the Michigan City News, a forerunner of The News-Dispatch. In her letter, Jurney said her mother had arranged for Amelia Earhart to speak (on an unspecified date) to Michigan City’s Women’s Study Club. Jurney clearly remembered Earhart being on the stage, “standing tall and straight in front of the big curtain.” “She looked fragile for all of her…
Dorothy Jurney reference
I just discovered a story in the Michigan City News-Dispatch from Nov. 22 which features legendary women’s page editor Dorothy Jurney. The article, written by Laurie Wink, includes the following: “Jurney was the daughter of Mary and Herbert Misener. Her mother was active in women’s causes and her father was then-publisher of the Michigan City News, a forerunner of The News-Dispatch. In her letter, Jurney said her mother had arranged for Amelia Earhart to speak (on an unspecified date) to Michigan City’s Women’s Study Club. Jurney clearly remembered Earhart being on the stage, “standing tall and straight in front of the big curtain.” “She looked fragile for all of her…
Dorothy Jurney edits
Today I am working on final edits on my article about legendary women’s page editor Dorothy Jurney. It is scheduled to run in a national journal next Spring. Dorothy was likely the best known women’s page editor in the country in the 1950s and 1960s. Her newspaper career began during the Great Depression and ended in the 1980s which made telling her story a daunting task. Much of the material for the article came from Dorothy’s papers at the Western Historical Manuscript Collection at the University of Missouri – my favorite archive.
Using public records
I have been using Florida’s strong FOIA law to request public records that relate to women’s page editors. Below is the initial divorce record for Dorothy Jurney. Her husband Frank appealed this decision and won. He died not long after the appeal. (He appealed on the grounds that there was no cruelty in the marriage – the only grounds for divorce at the time.) My article about Dorothy, known as the godmother of women’s pages, is scheduled to be published next year.
Miami women’s network
Here is a postcard that Miami Herald women’s page editors Marie Anderson and Dorothy Jurney sent to Miami journalist and library advocate Helen Muir. It can be found in Helen’s papers at the University of Miami. Lance and I went through Helen’s papers a few weeks ago and found some great letters. I am working on an article about Miami women that includes Helen, Marie and Dorothy.
Dorothy Jurney publication
Yesterday I went over the final revisions on my Dorothy Jurney article with the journal article – it has officially been accepted for publication. It will appear in April 2010. Dorothy was known as the godmother of women’s pages. She helped transform women’s sections at several newspapers including the Miami Herald and the Detroit Free Press. I am happy that Jurney’s story will be told. She is the 12th women’s page editor whose story I/we have published.