journalism history
- Anne Rowe, Edee Greene, Florida Women's Pages, journalism history, Marie Anderson, Roberta Applegate
Talk at Urban Rethink
I enjoyed speaking about Florida women’s page editors and their role in building community at Urban ReThink on Tuesday night. I spoke about Marie Anderson and Roberta Applegate from the Miami Herald; Anne Rowe from the St. Petersburg Times and Edee Greene from the Fort Lauderdale News. A highlight of the experience was speaking with Edee’s grandson Patrick. Here is a link to my PowerPoint from the talk.
Women of the Washington Press
This new book about women journalists in Washington by Maurine Beasley is in a word – amazing. (Dr. Beasley was my dissertation adviser and introduced me to the women’s pages.) It is rich storytelling – with strong anecdotes – grounded in significant research. Washington D.C. with its mix of politics and society has been a special place for women reporters. Dr. Beasley tells their stories well. Two of the women I write about are mentioned in the book – Vera Glaser and Eleni Epstein. The work of both women ran in the women’s pages. Vera Glaser was the longtime political columnist for a national wire service. Her work often ran…
Society Reporters Hide Marriages
As I work on my revisions for my book chapter about the role of gossip in the women’s pages, I came across the above story about Miami Herald society editor Eleanor Ratelle. Interesting that it was her job to write about weddings and she hid her wedding from her editor. Eleanor’s advice column is a key part of the book chapter. Here is a link to her papers. Lance & I are presenting a paper about that advice column at NCA this fall. Location:Society coverage
Women’s Page Journalism on Facebook
Women’s Page History is now on Facebook. It can be found here. The women’s pages included forms of social media in their day – from answering the phone with household cleaning tips to helping readers with recipe exchanges.
Marjorie Paxson’s Papers Indexed
I was so happy to see that the papers of Marjorie Paxson had been inventoried. Here is a link to the finding guide. (I was thrilled to see my name on the list!) Marjorie was a progressive and influential women’s page editor at several newspapers before becoming a publisher in the Gannett newspaper chain. She established the National Women and Media Collection which includes the papers of several women’s page editors. The Collection is now housed at the State Historical Society of Missouri.
My Book on Food, Newspapers & Feminism
I just signed a contract with AltaMira Press (a division of Rowman & Littlefield) to write a book about food, newspapers and feminism. The book will be part of the new series on Food and Gastronomy. The book will focus on the history of newspaper food sections – which originated in the women’s pages. I will include little known names and stories, as well known names and topics. There will also be a focus on the parallels of the women’s pages and home economics in the 1970s.