
  • brides,  Drue Lytle,  Edee Greene,  Koky Dishon,  Marjorie Paxson,  weddings

    The Importance of Weddings Coverage

    I loved this New York Times wedding story from yesterday that is getting a lot of buzz. From the story: “The bride, 97, is keeping her name.” While often overlooked as soft news, wedding stories can have value. They were a key part of the women’s pages for decades. As Chicago Editor Colleen “Koky” Dishon noted: “As we wrote about weddings and births and debutante balls, we learned about the importance of rites and rituals in people’s lives.” And there were journalism lessons in reporting about those rituals in the lives of women. Fort Lauderdale News women’s page editor Edee Greene pointed out that writing up engagement and wedding announcements…

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