women's page history
Talking About Florida Women’s Page Editors
I enjoyed talking about Florida women’s page editors this morning on the ReThinking the City radio program on Rollin College’s WPRK. Florida was the place to be for women’s page journalists in the 1950s and 1960s. They were a progressive group who dominated the Penney-Missouri Awards – the top recognition for the women’s pages. The Fort Lauderdale News women’s page editor Edee Greene is in the far right in the photo. Her grandson Patrick was a co-host on the radio program.
Guest Post on The Feminist Kitchen
Here is a link to my guest post on The Feminist Kitchen: Fifty Years After The Feminine Mystique, remembering Peg Bracken. Peg had a syndicated column that ran in the women’s pages of many newspapers.
Food Editor Janet Beighle French
Yesterday I received this cookbook that was put together by the food journalists at the Cleveland Plain Dealer in 1968. It includes an acknowledgement by then home economics editor Janet Beighle. She donated her article and recipe scrapbooks to the Special Collections at Cleveland State University. I am ordering copies today. I plan to interview Janet at the end of the month about her experiences as a food journalist.
- Florida history, Florida Women's Pages, food editors, food history, food journalism, journalism history, women's page history
St. Petersburg Times Food Editor Diana Rowell
I have been looking into the career of Diana Rowell who was the society editor and later food editor in the women’s pages at the St. Petersburg Times. Here is a link to one of her 1953 food columns.
The Job of a Newspaper Food Editor
I am working on a study of food sections in metropolitan newspapers in the World War II years through the 1970s that documents the intersection between gender, food and communities. What seemed at first to be exceptions to David Kamp’s “Jell-O abusing” women’s page journalists, it quickly became the norm. There was a clear community of women who took food seriously as a beat and as a public service. These newspaper food editors wrote for the home cook and the restaurant goers while keeping the advertisers at bay. Unlike the status of magazines where advertising and editorial share a friendly relationship, newspaper food editors were independent. As Dorothy Jurney, an…
- Al Neuharth, Florida Women's Pages, Jim Bellows, journalism history, Lee Hills, women's page history
The Men Behind the Golden Era of the Women’s Pages
My paper, “The Men Behind the Golden Era of the Florida Women’s Pages: Jim Bellows, Lee Hills & Al Neuharth,” has been accepted for presentation at the Florida Conference of Historians. It will be held in St. Augustine in January 2014. That is Jim pictured above. Here is more about the paper:For decades, the only place for women in journalism was in the women’s pages of newspapers. The “golden era” for the sections was in the 1950s and 1960s. And, the place to be during those decades was Florida. It was due to a mix of talented women journalists and male editors who were willing to change the definition of…