Florida Women's Pages

  • Florida Women's Pages,  Helen Muir,  journalism history

    University of Miami Archives

    We’re leaving this morning to drive to Miami. While there, we plan to go through the papers of Helen Muir at the University of Miami. She wrote for the women’s page of the Miami News and the Miami Herald in the 1950s. She was a lifelong friend of Marie Anderson, Dorothy Jurney and Marjory Stoneman Douglas. The four women helped create the foundation of Miami. Helen also did public relations work in early Miami – taking over from Dorothy Roe who become the women’s page editor for the Associated Press.

  • Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history,  Marjory Stoneman Douglas

    Miami environmentalism

    I am in the midst of reading the book, An Everglades Providence: Marjory Stoneman Douglas – published by the University of Georgia Press. Marjory was a great environmentalist who fought to save the Everglades. Her first job was at the Miami Herald. The book has been helpful in my work on Miami environmentalists – many were women who were encouraged by women’s page journalists, such as Marie Anderson. I just completed an encyclopedia entry on the Miami environment that is going to be published next year by the University of Houston.

  • Anne Rowe,  Florida Women's Pages,  Gloria Biggs,  journalism history

    Nelson Poynter papers

    Yesterday, Lance and I went to USF in St. Pete. We spent the morning going through the papers of Nelson Poynter and Henrietta Poynter. (They were owners of the St. Pete Times during the best years for women’s pages – the 1960s.) Here is Henrietta’s obituary. There were a few references to top women’s page editors Gloria Biggs and Anne Rowe. There was no record of the numerous Penney-Missouri Awards that the women’s section earned. I am continuing to collect information on the women’s section of the St. Pete Times.

  • Dorothy Jurney,  Florida Women's Pages,  journalism history

    St. Pete Beach

    Lance and I are on our way to St. Pete Beach for the weekend. Women’s page legend Dorothy Jurney’s brother, Richard Misener, was the mayor of St. Pete many years ago. He owned a big boat on the beach. Many Miami women’s page journalists would meet with Dorothy and go sailing. I’m hoping to visit an archive while we’re there.

  • Florida Women's Pages,  Helen Muir,  journalism history

    Helen Muir letter

    I am working on collecting information on Miami News women’s page journalist (and Miami library legend) Helen Muir. She was a friend of many in the Miami women’s page community – especially Dorothy Jurney and Marie Anderson. This 1972 letter, concerning the growing hippy problem in Miami, can be found in Helen’s papers at the University of Miami. We hope to go through Helen’s paper sometime this month.

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